Saturday, November 14, 2009

Finally Qubee offers BDT 1250 only per month for WiMAX connection! ! !

Finally The Augere launches the dream packages of thousand Internet Users of Bangladesh ! ! !
Yess... at last Augere in their brand name Qubee has launched their new packages which is targeting the individual users of Bangladesh.

The Packages are :
Qubee 512kbps @ Tk. 2250.00 per month (Maximum Download Cap. 10 GB)
Qubee 256kbps @ Tk. 1250.00 per month (Maximum Download Cap. 05 GB)
Qubee 01mbps @ Tk. 5200.00 per month (Maximum Download Cap. 10 GB)

1) Modem price: Tk. 4,000.00 only
2) VAT & Conditions Apply on above price.

It's like fulfiling the dreams of millions of passionate hearts of Bangladeshi Internet Users.

Thanks to Augere Management for their realization of the
passion of Bangladesh's WiMAX Users. Hope they will arrange more cost-effective price in future.


  1. Good news indeed. But does this "Maximum Download Cap" mean downloading data worth more than the limit set wouldn't be possible per month?

  2. I don't think is a good offer...cuz why we limited use the internet..also boardband give us why wimax....

    Plz no offer anykind of limited user....
    We need Unlimited..
    And also thanx reduce the modem prize. it is good..........but move on....

  3. offers are as usual like other broad bands, not interesting at all! download limits are disgusting!! modem price is fair but people like to get support all wimax provider services with a same modem.
    anyway thankz for sharing info

  4. the main problem in qubee is now the download limit.unlimited download @ 15-20KBPS is better
    than 5 GB @ 256 KBPS.

  5. till its too high for middle class people.i just surprising why gp and citycell not reducing their internet price?

  6. 256kbits per sec = (32 kbytes per sec)is lower speed as well as their download limit...i am getting from a DSL broadband 18 kbytes per sec and unlimited worth 800 tk per i am not interested to use quebee

  7. Qubee WiMAX Modem with Connection 3000 TK til 06.02.2010
    Monthly Conectivity
    Student 128@850+15% Vat = 978(Sky is the Limit)
    Student 256@850+15% Vat = 978 (Limit 5GB)
    ........256@1250+15% Vat= 1438(Sky is the Limit)
    ........512@1250+15%Vat=2588(Sky is the Limit)
    ........1mb@5250+15%Vat=6038(20 GB)
    Please Call: +88- 01552328543 for your connection

  8. Link3 provides fiber to home broadband... Read the review here:

  9. Qubee WiMAX Modem with Connection 4000 TK
    Monthly Conectivity
    Student 128@850+15% Vat = 978(Sky is the Limit)
    Student 256@850+15% Vat = 978 (Limit 5GB)
    ........256@1250+15% Vat= 1438(Sky is the Limit)
    ........512@1250+15%Vat=2588(Sky is the Limit)
    ........1mb@5250+15%Vat=6038(20 GB)
    Please Call: +88- 01552328543 for your connection

  10. I stay in ctg road (narayanganj). Can I get the fecility of wimax?

  11. moddem price and montly charge should be reduced.

  12. no network at ctg road (Narayanganj).. it will take few more days

  13. Qubee wimax Modem with Internet Connection?

    PLS Call: 01912709559, 01716637474.(Home service)

    Monthly Connectivity:
    * Student 128 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978
    * Student 256 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978 (Limit 5 GB)
    * 256 kbps@1250+15%Vat= Tk.1438(Sky is the limit)
    * 512 kbps@2250+15%Vat= Tk.2588(Sky is the limit)
    * 1mbps @5250+15%Vat= Tk.6038.

    Dhanmondi, kalabagan, panthpath, new market, mohakhali, dhaka university,DU, mohammadpur, nurjahan road, kawranbazar, kathalbagan tejgoan, monipuripara, bata signel, Banani,Badda, Gulshan, Shahjadpur, Bashundhara, Joar Shahara, Baridhara, Baridhara DOHS, Gulshan Niketon, Lalmatia,Elephant road, Nilkhet area, Kataban, Shonkor, Farmgate, Rajabazar,Shukrabad,mirpur. any office, home, dhaka.


  14. Do you all know that why we are way behind than other countries ? Let me tell you why. We are way behind in communication sector than other countries.

    Internet speed only Qubee 512kbps @ Tk. 2250.00 per month (Maximum Download Cap. 10 GB). It is not anything at all. Download speed is only 64 KB. Nothing at all. Government should reduce the cost & what is this bandwith? Why can't they give Download Cap. unlimited?

  15. Qubee wimax USB/Gigaset Modem with Internet Connection? (Dhaka, Bangladesh)

    PLS Call: 01912709559, 01716637474.

    Monthly Connectivity:
    * Student 128 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978
    * Student 256 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978 (Limit 5 GB)
    * 256 kbps@1250+15%Vat= Tk.1438(Sky is the limit)
    * 512 kbps@2250+15%Vat= Tk.2588(Sky is the limit)
    * 1mbps @5250+15%Vat= Tk.6038.

    Location: Dhaka.

