Friday, February 20, 2009

Mango becomes very tasty ! ! !

Finally Mango Teleservices took the 3rd Wimax license. After rejected by the bracnet, P-1, BDIx, Vitel, BTRC found their 3rd Wimax operator of the country. It seems that my dream as well as lots of peoples' dream are getting to be true. Taking 215 crore taka's license will be definitely worth for Mango as they are already the market player as IIG. And finally BTRC had made a good decision by making powerful the only competitor of BTCL in Bangladesh. To achieve the sweet benefits of this access to information superhighway couldn't be possible if there any monopoly of single company remains. It is true that the economics of wimax can be successful by Mango because they are getting the internet bandwidth 60% less than the other ISPs. I believe this final award of the wimax license will bring the welfare for all, for us, for BTRC, for country. I hope that Mango will serve the nation according the expectations and guidelines and dreams provided by BTRC.

1 comment:

  1. I am currently using qubee wimax. If mango provides in lower rates, then definitely i will have to switch :)

    wimax in bangladesh
